1951 The 100th Brithday of Junqueiro

Stamp 747
GC-s.jpg 50C
blackish brown
Stamp 748
GC1-s.jpg 1Esc
greyish blue

1951 The 3rd Fishing congress

Stamp 749
GD-s.jpg 50C
dark green/yellowish
Stamp 750
GD1-s.jpg 1Esc
reddish purple/yellowish

1951 Final Celebration of the Holy Year

Stamp 751
GE-s.jpg 20C
brown/light brown
Stamp 752
GE1-s.jpg 90C
olive green/brownish yellow
Stamp 753
GF-s.jpg 1Esc
wine red/purple brown
Stamp 754
GF1-s.jpg 2.30Esc
greyish blue/grey

1951 The 500th Anniversary of the Colonization of Terceira

Stamp 755
GG-s.jpg 50C
dark blue/rose
Stamp 756
GG1-s.jpg 1Esc

1951 The 25th Anniversary of the National Revolution

Stamp 757
GH-s.jpg 1Esc
brownish violet
Stamp 758
GH1-s.jpg 2.30Esc
dark blue