1959 National Costumes

Stamp 1090
WA-s.jpg 25G

1959 Mariazell Church. Offset

Stamp 1091
UV2-s.jpg 1S

1959 EUROPA Stamps

Stamp 1092
WB-s.jpg 2.40S
light green

1959 The 175th Anniversary of Österreichische Tabakregie

Stamp 1093
WC-s.jpg 2.40S

1959 The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Archduke Johann of Austria

Stamp 1094
WD-s.jpg 1.50S

1959 Congress of the International Hunting Council - Vienna

Stamp 1095
WE-s.jpg 1S
reddish purple
Stamp 1096
WF-s.jpg 1.50S
bluish grey
Stamp 1097
WG-s.jpg 2.40S
bluish green
Stamp 1098
WH-s.jpg 3.50S

1959 The 150th Anniversary of the Death of Joseph Haydn

Stamp 1099
WI-s.jpg 1.50S
reddish brown

1959 The 100th Anniversary of the Tyrolean Liberation Struggle

Stamp 1100
WJ-s.jpg 1.50S
orange red

1959 Official Start-Up of the Austrian Radio Link Network

Stamp 1101
WK-s.jpg 2.40S

1959 Sports

Stamp 1102
WL-s.jpg 1S
reddish violet
Stamp 1103
WM-s.jpg 1.50S
bluish green

1959 Concert World Tour of the Vienna Philharmonic

Stamp 1104
WN-s.jpg 2.40S
bluish green/black

1959 National Costumes

Stamp 1105
WO-s.jpg 2.50S
Stamp 1106
WP-s.jpg 5S
Stamp 1107
WQ-s.jpg 7S
olive green

1959 Architectural Monuments in Austria

Stamp 1108
WR-s.jpg 50G
bluish black

1959 Day of the Stamp

Stamp 1109
WS-s.jpg 2.40+60 S/G
light brown/black