1954 The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Moritz von Schwind, 1804-71

Stamp 1020
TI-s.jpg 1.50S

1954 The 50th Anniversary of the Birth of Baron Karl Freiherr von Rokitansky, 1804-78

Stamp 1021
TJ-s.jpg 1.50S

1954 Charity Stamp for Avalanche Victims. No. 659 Overprinted

Stamp 1022
TK-s.jpg 1/2+20 S/G
bluish green/black

1954 Child Care

Stamp 1023
TL-s.jpg 30+10 G
Stamp 1024
TM-s.jpg 70+15 G
dark brown
Stamp 1025
TN-s.jpg 1.00+25 S/G
dark blue
Stamp 1026
TO-s.jpg 1.45+35 S/G
Stamp 1027
TP-s.jpg 1.50+35 S/G
Stamp 1028
TQ-s.jpg 2.40+60 S/G
reddish brown

1954 The 50th Anniversary of Esperanto in Austria

Stamp 1029
TR-s.jpg 1S

1954 The 25th Anniversary of the Death of Dr. Carl Auer Baron of Welsbach

Stamp 1030
TS-s.jpg 1.50S
dark blue

1954 The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Michael Rottmayer von Rosenbrunn, 1654-1730

Stamp 1031
TT-s.jpg 1S

1954 The 2nd International Congress of Catholic Church Music

Stamp 1032
TU-s.jpg 1S
brown/dark brown

1954 Merry Christmas

Stamp 1033
TV-s.jpg 1S
dark blue

1954 Day of the Stamp

Stamp 1034
TW-s.jpg 1+25 S/G
olive green

1954 The 150th Anniversary of the Austrian State Printing Works

Stamp 1035
TX-s.jpg 1S