1949 National Costumes

Stamp 931
PX-s.jpg 5G
bluish green
Stamp 932
PY-s.jpg 50G
Stamp 933
PZ-s.jpg 70G
emerald green
Stamp 934
QA-s.jpg 3S
brownish red

1949 Happy Childhood - Easter Bunny

Stamp 935
QB-s.jpg 40+10 G
dark purple
Stamp 936
QC-s.jpg 60+20 G
brownish red
Stamp 937
QD-s.jpg 1+25 S/G
dark blue
Stamp 938
QE-s.jpg 1.40+35 S/G
dark green


Stamp 939
QF-s.jpg 1S

1949 The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Johann Strauss the Younger

Stamp 940
QG-s.jpg 1S
dark blue

1949 Austrian Esperanto Congress

Stamp 941
QH-s.jpg 20G

1949 The 1000th Anniversary of St. Gebhard

Stamp 942
QI-s.jpg 30G
dark violet

1949 Repatriates and Prisoners of War Charity Stamp

Stamp 943
QJ-s.jpg 40+10 G
yellowish brown/yellow
Stamp 944
QK-s.jpg 60+15 G
reddish brown/rose
Stamp 945
QL-s.jpg 1+25 S/G
Stamp 946
QM-s.jpg 1.60+40 S/G

1949 The 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Anton Bruckner, 1824-96

Stamp 947
QN-s.jpg 40G

1949 National Costumes

Stamp 948
QO-s.jpg 25G
Stamp 949
QP-s.jpg 1.20S
Stamp 950
QQ-s.jpg 1.60S
orange red

1949 The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Johann Strauss the Elder, 1804-1849

Stamp 951
QR-s.jpg 30G
dark reddish brown

1949 The 75th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union

Stamp 952
QS-s.jpg 40G
dark green
Stamp 953
QT-s.jpg 60G
Stamp 954
QU-s.jpg 1S
dark blue

1949 National Costumes

Stamp 955
QV-s.jpg 40G
bluish green
Stamp 956
QW-s.jpg 80G
Stamp 957
QX-s.jpg 90G
brownish purple

1949 Day of the Stamp

Stamp 958
QY-s.jpg 60+15 S
brownish red

1949 The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Millöcker, 1842-99

Stamp 959
QZ-s.jpg 1S
dark blue